11 julho 2017

[Reflexoes] #1# Você fala Inglês? - Do you speak English?

Hi dear friends.

We would like to invite, to our "Daily Reflections List" in English, those
who want to receive a message of faith and hope and love. Just send me an
email asking the inclusion, and I'll subscribe you.

If you have anyone (friends or family) outside Brazil that speaks English,
please share with them our website:


There is a form there to subscribe or unsubscribe the email from the list.

Let's take the God's Word to all around the earth.

May God bless you all.

Paulo Barbosa
Lista Reflexoes
-- Para sair desta lista, envie uma mensagem para reflexoes-unsubscribe@listas.americasnet.com e recebera um email de confirmacao.
-- Questoes sobre a lista, envie mensagem para reflexoes-owner@listas.americasnet.com

Paulo Barbosa
Um cego na Internet

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